The Art and Craft of Memoir
The Creative Hub, 27 March - 15 May 2012, 6.00pm - 8.30pm If you have ever been tempted by the idea of writing your memoir but not known where to begin, this course will provide the confidence and skills to help access your creativity and writing talent. Through writing exercises, group discussion and critical analysis of the best of autobiographical literature you will learn how to craft and structure your story into a compelling narrative. Over eight weeks and during two-and-a-half-hour sessions we’ll cover the following topics: defining memoir and memoir form, constructing timelines, establishing a place to write and a writing practice, storytelling style and developing your unique voice, how to sustain momentum and maintain reader interest, structure and thematic development, self-editing, tips on preparing a story for online publication and the ethics of writing about significant others. Through writing exercises, participants will explore and reflect upon remembering childhood, riding the teenage years, becoming a grownup, working life, the meaning of home and community, surviving a crisis, a special person and a self-portrait. Deborah’s courses are nourishing and rewarding and participants derive pleasure from sharing their stories with fellow writers within a supportive and friendly environment. Come along in a spirit of curiosity, ready to enjoy the experience of delving into your memories and making meaning of the twists and turns of your life journey. Memoir classes for Year 12 students: English Language week Senior College 5 - 8 July 2011 |
"This is such a worthwhile course where emotional safety and student growth in writing are paramount." – Marilyn Woolford Categories
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