Writing Family Stories at the Devonport Library Monday 31 October to Monday 21 November 2022 Course Description This workshop, facilitated by memoir teacher Dr Deborah Shepard, offers an opportunity to explore your family stories using photographs, heirlooms and meaningful domestic objects to trigger a creative response. No prior writing experience is required, just a passion to tell stories about the significant figures and events from your historic past to the recent past and a willingness to explore the creative possibilities. The workshop is open to all ages. When: Four evening sessions Monday 31 October — Monday 21 November, 6.30-8.30pm Where: Devonport Library Fee: $150 - Please register your interest at https://www.deborahshepardbooks.com/contact.html Bring: family photos, treasures, heirlooms, household objects from any era up to the recent past and an A4 lined notebook. Local author Dr Deborah Shepard is an experienced teacher of memoir and the author of several books on arts and culture in Aotearoa New Zealand including Her Life’s Work and The Writing Life: Twelve New Zealand Authors. You can explore her work and a ‘Writers Stories’ forum at https://www.deborahshepardbooks.com/writers-stories What people say about Deborah’s memoir courses: I came away with a lot of confidence that I had something to say and that I could say it well — Terry Levenberg Over the five sessions I found my “creative writing voice” as an apprentice, in a safe and supportive environment and through a superbly designed course. As a small group of diverse writers, we were expertly guided by the wise and gentle Deborah, who is an outstanding teacher — Maria Kazmierov Recent feedback on Journalling in Extraordinary Times at the Devonport Library Through journal writing with Deborah I found my writing voice which helps me live with ease and authenticity every day. — Catherine Moorhead My appreciation of journalling as an art was deepened through Deborah's bibliography bringing together writers of different writing styles, backgrounds, countries and historical periods. — Sylvia Nagl Journals are magic portals to finding beauty and sense in the everyday and Deborah showed us how to find the key. — Jicca Smith |
"This is such a worthwhile course where emotional safety and student growth in writing are paramount." – Marilyn Woolford Categories
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