In my teaching I have found that one of the most enjoyable and fruitful ways to help people discover their life story is to set writing exercises on a theme. My courses are structured around topics that progress chronologically: I was Born, A Childhood Memory, The Moment When I Grew Up, Riding the Teenage Years, Finding My Way in the World, My Working Life, Someone I have Loved, In the Present Moment: A Self-portrait. At the conclusion of each course I help writers establish their own writing groups. There are now a number of them flourishing in hubs through Auckland city. Some have been writing together for nine years now and over that period they have accumulated hundreds of short pieces writing on a theme that the group dreams up. The possibilities are endless.
Recently I visited a writing group that formed following my summer life writing school at the University of Auckland Creative Week on Campus. For this meeting they had written on the topic, ‘A Window.’ Listening to their stories it occurred to me that I could devise a further setting on the Your Story page of this website to feature collections of group writing on a theme.
Read a range of stories on a theme:
Recently I visited a writing group that formed following my summer life writing school at the University of Auckland Creative Week on Campus. For this meeting they had written on the topic, ‘A Window.’ Listening to their stories it occurred to me that I could devise a further setting on the Your Story page of this website to feature collections of group writing on a theme.
Read a range of stories on a theme: