![]() Starting Monday 28 February until Monday 16 May 2022 A note: The Zoom platform works extremely well for a course of this nature. Deborah welcomes people from around Aotearoa and across the globe to this worthwhile and very nourishing course. Course Description Currently we are living through uncharted times where the familiar everyday patterns of existence have been disrupted by a global pandemic. A memoir course at this time of uncertainty offers a welcome refuge and reflective space to investigate and preserve your memories in written form. The process of gathering together the various threads of your life experience and beginning to make meaning of them is an engrossing and ultimately grounding activity. This might be the perfect time to draw on your courage and commit to writing the story of your life. This course is designed for people who yearn to write a record of their life. It is for those who have never written and for those who enjoy writing in other genres but haven’t yet tried memoir. Under Deborah’s guidance, and in a mutually supportive environment, this ten-week course offers the essential structure, method and themes to help the memoirist strengthen the writing voice and begin to realise the memoir project. Author Dr Deborah Shepard is an experienced memoir tutor, writing mentor and biographer. Her books include: The Writing Life: Twelve New Zealand Authors, Her Life’s Work, Between the Lives: Partners in Art and Reframing Women: a history of New Zealand film. Over eight sessions she will introduce you to the pleasures of writing memoir, to the history of the genre and inspiring samples of work by memoirists such as: Janet Frame, Janice Galloway, Charlotte Grimshaw, Fiona Kidman, Blake Morrison, Peter Wells, Jeanette Winterson, Tim Winton. Working on your own and as a group, sharing the writing as you go, you will complete a collection of memoir pieces and portraits that will supply the structure upon which to develop your memoir. Each participant receives an individual mentoring session with Deborah and an opportunity to publish on her ‘Writers’ Stories’ forum at https://www.deborahshepardbooks.com/writers-stories Session topics:
What people say about Deborah’s memoir courses I came away with a lot of confidence that I had something to say and that I could say it well — Terry Levenberg Over the five sessions I found my “creative writing voice” as an apprentice, in a safe and supportive environment and through a superbly designed course. As a small group of diverse writers, we were expertly guided by the wise and gentle Deborah, who is an outstanding teacher — Maria Kazmierov Recent feedback on Journalling in Extraordinary Times at the Devonport Library Through journal writing with Deborah I found my writing voice which helps me live with ease and authenticity every day. — Catherine Moorhead My appreciation of journalling as an art was deepened through Deborah's bibliography bringing together writers of different writing styles, backgrounds, countries and historical periods. — Sylvia Nagl Journals are magic portals to finding beauty and sense in the every day and Deborah showed us how to find the key. — Jicca Smith Deborah provided a safe, welcoming and skilled approach to journal writing, which enabled group members to find their voice and delight in writing. — Sally Monks When: 28 February — 16 May 2022 Number of sessions: Ten sessions Mondays 6.30pm – 8.30pm Where: on Zoom Course fee: $350 Contact Deborah: Via her Contact Page on this website Comments are closed.
"This is such a worthwhile course where emotional safety and student growth in writing are paramount." – Marilyn Woolford Categories
July 2024