Recording Oral Histories with Dr Deborah Shepard
f you've ever thought of recording the life story of a beloved family member, or wanted to interview a significant or special person this one-day workshop with its introduction to the art and craft of life review may be just what you need to ignite the process. Guiding you through the various stages of oral history recording and production, Deborah will introduce you to the techniques and methodologies you need to create a meaningful oral history for your family to enjoy now and for generations to come and it may also provide content for a possible biographical project. Morning and afternoon sessions will cover: how to prepare for the interview, interviewing technique and the personal dimension including trust building, ethical considerations and your role as alert listener; how to create timelines upon which to structure the interview and an understanding of the biographical arc; identification of themes and particular questions that might encourage spontaneity in the storytelling. Confidence will be acquired through an experiential component, working in pairs to 'interview' one another. Through this process each partner will have an opportunity to practice the art of listening deeply and also to experience the impact of narrating of your story to an interested and skilled listener. This course is designed for: family genealogists/keepers of the stories, writers, auto/biographers and those people who yearn to capture and record some of the family stories before it is too late. No experience is required just a passion for storytelling and family history. Expected learning outcomes:
When: 10am- 4pm Sunday 22 September 2024 Where: Selwyn College Auckland Fee: $150 Please register your interest at Bring A pen and A4 lined notebook. Register Notice of an upcoming event at the Takapuna Library next Tuesday 30 April, 6pm - 7.30pm. Deborah Shepard in conversation with Sarah Beck, psychologist and daughter of Christine Cole Catley about her new book 'I Only Know Happy People: A Psychologist's Memoir'. There are so many fascinating themes to explore in this compelling new memoir, one of which is Sarah's work in the field of psychology with accounts of client experiences, included with their permission, weaving through her own narrative of self-discovery. One of the elements that moved me, as I was reading, was Sarah's willingness to reveal the heights and depths of her experience as she traverses life's challenges and hardships and how her honesty, often searing, speaks directly to the reader. But the success of a memoir also hinges on the care a writer takes around the representation of key figures in their life. With complex relationships the writer treads a fine line between speaking the truth of their experience whilst taking care not to malign the person. In Sarah Beck's memoir she navigates this delicate balance beautifully, exploring the mother - daughter relationship truthfully and with a psychologist's insight, as she moves towards reconciliation in her own mind. In her words, in the final paragraph, 'I think again of the first three years (1000 days) of a child's life, when the foundations for happiness are laid. I like to think that a second delayed and happy childhood is possible for all of us who need one. My clients agree.' If you are free next Tuesday 30 April this promises to be a special evening. ![]() Memoir, Biography, Family Stories, The Journal, Nature Writing Course Description Currently we are living through uncertain times where the once familiar patterns of existence have been disrupted by a global pandemic, wild weather events and a planet in a crisis, war and the threat of another Cold War. A life writing course offers a welcome refuge, a quiet and reflective space where you can investigate and express your experiences in written form. Everybody has the ability to write in these genres because these are our personal stories reflecting our particular vision of how we are experiencing the world. The process of making meaning is an engrossing and steadying practice. On Deborah's courses you are offered the resources and writing guidance to help you develop your unique voice and achieve your writing goals. This might be the perfect time to draw on your courage and begin exploring the stories of your life, through memoir, through family storytelling, or writing biographical portraits of the significant figures in your life, or through journalling in the present moment, or writing down your observations of the natural world. This course offers an opportunity to experiment across the genres to find the form that suits you best. This course is designed for people who yearn to write. It is for those who have never written and for those who enjoy writing in other genres but haven’t yet tried life writing. Under Deborah’s guidance, and in a mutually supportive environment, this ten-week course offers the essential structure, method and themes to help the memoirist strengthen the writing voice and begin to realise the memoir project. Author Dr Deborah Shepard is an experienced memoir tutor, writing mentor and biographer. Her books include: The Writing Life: Twelve New Zealand Authors, Her Life’s Work, Between the Lives: Partners in Art and Reframing Women: a history of New Zealand film. Over nine sessions she will introduce you to the pleasures of writing memoir, to the history of the genre using literary excerpts to inspire, by: Frances Edmond, Emma Espiner, Janet Frame, Janice Galloway, Charlotte Grimshaw, Alison Jones, Blake Morrison, May Sarton, Peter Wells, Jeanette Winterson, Tim Winton… Working on your own and as a group, sharing the writing as you go, you will complete a collection of memoir pieces and portraits that will supply the structure upon which to develop your memoir. Each participant receives an individual mentoring session with Deborah and an opportunity to publish on the ‘Writers’ Stories’ forum at: Session topics:
When: 26 February — 29 April 2024 Number of sessions: Nine sessions every Monday 6.30pm – 8.30pm Where: Devonport Library Course fee: $375 Contact Deborah: Via her Contact Page on this website What people say about Deborah’s memoir courses I came away with a lot of confidence that I had something to say and that I could say it well — Terry Levenberg Over the five sessions I found my “creative writing voice” as an apprentice, in a safe and supportive environment and through a superbly designed course. As a small group of diverse writers, we were expertly guided by the wise and gentle Deborah, who is an outstanding teacher — Maria Kazmierov Recent feedback on Journalling in Extraordinary Times at the Devonport Library Through journal writing with Deborah I found my writing voice which helps me live with ease and authenticity every day. — Catherine Moorhead Journals are magic portals to finding beauty and sense in the every day and Deborah showed us how to find the key. — Jicca Smith Deborah provided a safe, welcoming and skilled approach to journal writing, which enabled group members to find their voice and delight in writing. — Sally Monks Artist's illustration: Writing at the Devonport Library by Karen Jarvis, 2023 Writing Family Stories at the Devonport Library Monday 31 October to Monday 21 November 2022 Course Description This workshop, facilitated by memoir teacher Dr Deborah Shepard, offers an opportunity to explore your family stories using photographs, heirlooms and meaningful domestic objects to trigger a creative response. No prior writing experience is required, just a passion to tell stories about the significant figures and events from your historic past to the recent past and a willingness to explore the creative possibilities. The workshop is open to all ages. When: Four evening sessions Monday 31 October — Monday 21 November, 6.30-8.30pm Where: Devonport Library Fee: $150 - Please register your interest at Bring: family photos, treasures, heirlooms, household objects from any era up to the recent past and an A4 lined notebook. Local author Dr Deborah Shepard is an experienced teacher of memoir and the author of several books on arts and culture in Aotearoa New Zealand including Her Life’s Work and The Writing Life: Twelve New Zealand Authors. You can explore her work and a ‘Writers Stories’ forum at What people say about Deborah’s memoir courses: I came away with a lot of confidence that I had something to say and that I could say it well — Terry Levenberg Over the five sessions I found my “creative writing voice” as an apprentice, in a safe and supportive environment and through a superbly designed course. As a small group of diverse writers, we were expertly guided by the wise and gentle Deborah, who is an outstanding teacher — Maria Kazmierov Recent feedback on Journalling in Extraordinary Times at the Devonport Library Through journal writing with Deborah I found my writing voice which helps me live with ease and authenticity every day. — Catherine Moorhead My appreciation of journalling as an art was deepened through Deborah's bibliography bringing together writers of different writing styles, backgrounds, countries and historical periods. — Sylvia Nagl Journals are magic portals to finding beauty and sense in the everyday and Deborah showed us how to find the key. — Jicca Smith ![]() Starting Monday 28 February until Monday 16 May 2022 A note: The Zoom platform works extremely well for a course of this nature. Deborah welcomes people from around Aotearoa and across the globe to this worthwhile and very nourishing course. Course Description Currently we are living through uncharted times where the familiar everyday patterns of existence have been disrupted by a global pandemic. A memoir course at this time of uncertainty offers a welcome refuge and reflective space to investigate and preserve your memories in written form. The process of gathering together the various threads of your life experience and beginning to make meaning of them is an engrossing and ultimately grounding activity. This might be the perfect time to draw on your courage and commit to writing the story of your life. This course is designed for people who yearn to write a record of their life. It is for those who have never written and for those who enjoy writing in other genres but haven’t yet tried memoir. Under Deborah’s guidance, and in a mutually supportive environment, this ten-week course offers the essential structure, method and themes to help the memoirist strengthen the writing voice and begin to realise the memoir project. Author Dr Deborah Shepard is an experienced memoir tutor, writing mentor and biographer. Her books include: The Writing Life: Twelve New Zealand Authors, Her Life’s Work, Between the Lives: Partners in Art and Reframing Women: a history of New Zealand film. Over eight sessions she will introduce you to the pleasures of writing memoir, to the history of the genre and inspiring samples of work by memoirists such as: Janet Frame, Janice Galloway, Charlotte Grimshaw, Fiona Kidman, Blake Morrison, Peter Wells, Jeanette Winterson, Tim Winton. Working on your own and as a group, sharing the writing as you go, you will complete a collection of memoir pieces and portraits that will supply the structure upon which to develop your memoir. Each participant receives an individual mentoring session with Deborah and an opportunity to publish on her ‘Writers’ Stories’ forum at Session topics:
What people say about Deborah’s memoir courses I came away with a lot of confidence that I had something to say and that I could say it well — Terry Levenberg Over the five sessions I found my “creative writing voice” as an apprentice, in a safe and supportive environment and through a superbly designed course. As a small group of diverse writers, we were expertly guided by the wise and gentle Deborah, who is an outstanding teacher — Maria Kazmierov Recent feedback on Journalling in Extraordinary Times at the Devonport Library Through journal writing with Deborah I found my writing voice which helps me live with ease and authenticity every day. — Catherine Moorhead My appreciation of journalling as an art was deepened through Deborah's bibliography bringing together writers of different writing styles, backgrounds, countries and historical periods. — Sylvia Nagl Journals are magic portals to finding beauty and sense in the every day and Deborah showed us how to find the key. — Jicca Smith Deborah provided a safe, welcoming and skilled approach to journal writing, which enabled group members to find their voice and delight in writing. — Sally Monks When: 28 February — 16 May 2022 Number of sessions: Ten sessions Mondays 6.30pm – 8.30pm Where: on Zoom Course fee: $350 Contact Deborah: Via her Contact Page on this website ![]() In Extremis: Journaling in Extraordinary Times at the Devonport Library When: 22 February — 12 April 2021 Number of sessions: Eight sessions Mondays 6pm – 8.30pm Where: Devonport Library Course fee: $280 Contact: [email protected] Course Description Currently we are living through an extraordinary time in world history where all the familiar norms of our known existence have been turned upside down by a global pandemic. Yet inherent in this situation, some call it a ‘dangerous opportunity’, is the potential to deepen our experience of the present.Through writing a daily journal you can begin to make sense of what is happening. Through the art of observation, reflection and contemplation, you will find the balance you need to live more peacefully and more fully in each and every given moment. The journal genre is the ideal genre to discover and develop your writing skills. On this course, as well as establishing a writing routine, you will be creating a record of your own experience for yourself and for future generations. About the teacher: This journal workshop is presented by author Dr Deborah Shepard, an experienced memoir tutor, NZSA, writing mentor, editor and an earlier Autumn Resident and teacher of Masterclasses in Memoir at the Michael King Writer’s Centre. Her course offers a writing sanctuary where you can reconnect with your inner life and discover what is on your mind. Over eight session you will receive an introduction to the pleasures and history of the journal form including samples of work by some of the great journalers. Working on your own and as a group, sharing the writing as you go, you will receive writing techniques and triggers to stimulate a series of journal entries; an individual mentoring session with Deborah and an opportunity to publish on Writing experience We all have the capacity to write from our personal experience on the subjects that matter to us and on Deborah’s courses you will find techniques and triggers that help strengthen and develop your writing voice. This course is suitable for all comers who have a yearning to write. Sessions topics:
What people say about Deborah’s courses: I came away with a lot of confidence that I had something to say and that I could say it well — Terry Levenberg Over the five sessions I found my “creative writing voice” as an apprentice, in a safe and supportive environment and through a superbly designed course. As a small group of diverse writers, we were expertly guided by the wise and gentle Deborah, who is an outstanding teacher — Maria Kazmierov Deborah has a beautiful, compassionate, inclusive approach to teaching — Janet Sergeant When: 17 April — 20 May 2020
Number of sessions: Eight sessions, 4.30pm – 6pm Format: Weekend workshop starting 4.30pm Friday 17 April then weekly on Wednesdays Where: Zoom Online course in your writing room Course description Currently we are living through an extraordinary time in world history, where all the familiar norms of our known existence have been turned upside down by a global pandemic. For each of us, living through this state of lockdown, our sense of security has been shattered, our inner resilience tested. We wonder if life will ever return to normal. Yet inherent in this situation, some are calling it a ‘dangerous opportunity,’ is a potential gift. Through writing a daily journal you can begin to make sense of what is happening and through the act of reflection, observation and contemplation, create a new rhythm and sense of balance that will help you deepen your experience of the present. When lockdown is over your journal will contain a record for future generations, while the writing will be firmly established as a practice to take into the future.
Under Deborah’s gentle guidance you will have five blissful days to indulge your dream and begin your life writing project in a collaborative and supportive environment.
WHEN: 5 x sessions, Monday 20 - 24 January 2020, 9:30am - 1:00pm WHERE: The University of Auckland, City Campus Course outline Session One: Getting Started
Who should attend? This course is designed for: new writers, people who are interested in writing and are newcomers to the genre people who want to discover their writing voice people who want to record their stories for their family people who want to write and publish their life story people who want to explore their inner world and express their thoughts and feelings and observations and transform them into literature young and older writers people who have written in another genre such as fiction or poetry, or non-fiction and who want to explore memoir. Writing memoir involves a balance between capturing your own memories on the page and writing biographical accounts of the people, including the ancestors, who have left an imprint on your life.
WHEN: 5 X sessions, Monday 7 - Friday 11 September, 9:30am - 1pm WHERE: The University of Auckland, City Campus Course outline Writing memoir involves an intricate interplay between writing down and preserving your own memories and constructing biographical accounts of the people, including the ancestors, who have left an imprint on your life. On this course, you will receive tuition on the fundamentals of writing memoir and biography and its ethical implications along with techniques that will assist you to write with flair and originality about the key figures, both living and from the past, who have influenced and helped shape your life. It is suitable for participants who have not yet completed Life Writing 1. Session one: Arriving here – the importance of preserving my story and the family history.
"This is such a worthwhile course where emotional safety and student growth in writing are paramount." – Marilyn Woolford Categories
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